Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

First of all,
I guess everyone is busy counting down for next year but me....
sitting here eating, blogging & tumblring like a boss -_- haha
So I went to church just now and was celebrating thanksgiving blabla
there were 3 different churches of different races combined..i think?
Iban+Malay, Chinese, EBC
haha whatever.
so we were taking turns to pray over each other :) prayed in our own ways so I chose to pray in tongue as I'm practicing it hehe lalala
Anyways, HOW have you guys been spending throughout this year? :)
good? bad? both? LOL
but for mine, it's both! I'm sure everyone's life has their ups & downs
Don't forget to put God in the centre of your life :)
He's everyone's father. He's strong. He's our everything.
He's the one who will never leave you no matter how lonely you are how sad you are.
He's the one who will always be there for you when you need him.
He's always have your backs. He will always support you.
He will always love you no matter what. SO DONT FEEL THAT YOU'RE UNLOVED
Cry to Him cry to Him if you are facing any problems.
Cry to Him if you need healing. Pray.
Have faith in Him.
Everything is in His hand. He will guide you throughout everything.
You must always remember that HE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU AND BE THERE FOR YOU!
I'm not going to write about the pasts as PASTS ARE PASTS :)
Stop looking back & look forward :)
I trust that 2013 would be a better year for everyone.
apparently, everyone is sick right now :( i'm sick too huhu so..
HAPPY NEW YEAR first everyone :)
I'm just gonna spend my night tumblring instead of counting down! HAHA!
so much love from meeee

Monday, 10 December 2012

short update

Hey guys! It's been a while. I just came back from Singapore and as usual post will be up later! Because of pictures transferring HAHA
I'm damn lazy lol

Anyways, camp is around the cornerrrrrr! Yippee! :D
Will post everything up soon :) 
