HI ;) I said I will blog about what happened during the period of time where I couldn't blog right haha due to pmr :/ Ya. There are so much to blog about where I dont know what to blog and cannot really remember what had happened. But I promise I will blog when it crosses my mind kay ;) pinky promise? :D
So anyway, I would just blog whatever just happened recently :)
On Wednesday, teachers called us back to school because Mr Lim, our headmaster wanted to tell us about our holiday programmes and field trip which we were supposed to go KL but it was CANCELLED. lool so now we are going to Tabuan Jaya Fire Station and some Ice-cream factory. This maybe would be our last trip with our own class because next year we might not be in the same class anymore :(
Until 830am, (half an hour only) -____- it was done. wow. Woke up early just to hear him talk. hmm
Then Joyce and mike followed me to my mum's shop!!! :D Joyce followed me to do facial, body scrub, spa, and also hair treatment. Mike followed because he had no transport to go Chiah hui's house :) and yeah we went to her house after that :)
mike did hair treatment for freee :) but facial for 68 bucks haha he was so happy lol

we were doing hair detox :) its super super cold like seriously lol you can even feel the cold after being wash off hahaha but it was super cool too :)
come and try if you guys want ;)
being vain! ^_^
hair treatment done! :D
HAHAHA hi mike if you're reading my blog :D
After that around 2 sth we went to have lunch at bak kut teh! :D hehehe then off to chiah hui's house :)
this is Chiah Hui :) i call her carrot haha because she has a carrot and i lazy type her name so long hahaha
she's my new best friend who is so pretty and kind and friendly and nerdy
she lovees GOD :) where everyone does! haha
I love her too <3 she loves me too haha
she was rushing her assignments and she was distracted by us :P hehehe
we met Gloria too but no picture in my phone
her mum made this conflakes thingy IT WAS SUPER NICE :D
"eeeee" :P hiao! hahaha
Chiah Leung :) found out I was taking picture of him HAHA
yeap thats all for wednesday :)